Former Mumbai NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede has moved the Bombay High Court to challenge the Enforcement Directorate’s money laundering case against him. ED had registered a case against Wankhende after taking cognisance of a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) FIR in an alleged Rs. 25 crore bribe demand from Shah Rukh Khan in the Aryan Khan case when the young star kid was arrested in a drug bust cruise case in 2021.
Sameer Wankhede moves Bombay High Court to quash ED’s money laundering case after being accused of Rs. 25-crore bribe from Shah Rukh Khan in Aryan Khan’s case
According to Bar and Bench, Advocate Karan Lalit Jain has filed a petition on behalf of Sameer Wankhede seeking to quash the Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR) lodged by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Wankhede also seeks protection from arrest until the petition undergoes a final hearing. The matter is slated for a hearing on February 15 before a division bench comprising Justices PD Naik and NR Borkar.
For unversed, Aryan Khan was arrested in an alleged drug, initiated by Mumbai’s NCB unit in October 2021. The star kid was granted bail on October 28, 2021, and subsequently given a clean chit on May 27, 2022.
However, the CBI filed an FIR against Wankhede, accusing him of bribery, corruption, and conspiracy. In his response, he filed a petition to quash the FIR. In May 2023, the High Court granted Wankhede interim protection, albeit with conditions, notably restricting his communication regarding the case.
ALSO READ: After Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan trailer releases, Sameer Wankhede drops cryptic note: “I fear no hell from you”
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